
Monday, July 31st, 2006

So, what’s it like being a new homeowner?

Filed under: being a landlord,home ownership,reality check — alison @ 08:26

Still slowly trying to absorb it. I thought I was getting it when I dutifully and only mildly resentfully started dedicating all the nice weekends of my summer to scratching the rust and loose paint off the wrought-iron fence in preparation for painting it some yet-to-be-determined colour.

But then the Nurse from the Insurance Company called to say she was coming by the next morning – at 7h00 – to take blood and urine samples. Oh. That’s serious. Somehow that felt like more of a sobering initiation ritual than sitting in an office with a scattered notary signing a document and being informed that the important stuff would be done later and eventually mailed to us.

Like, somebody else wants to check up on us make sure it’s being done right. Must be Important then. Even if it’s just the life insurance and has nothing directly to do with the purchase at all.

Makes me question how I judge when something is important or even real.

[originally transmitted by e-mail July 31, 2006]

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