
Saturday, March 8th, 2008

Six words.

Filed under: challenges and memes — alison @ 22:12

A friend submits the following challenge:

Foglia, dans sa dernière chronique, a proposé un jeu :

“ON JOUE ? – Pour finir, une idée piquée dans un journal en Alabama, je ne sais plus lequel, anyway c’est un jeu. On a demandé un jour à Hemingway d’écrire une nouvelle en six mots ; pas n’importe quoi, une vraie nouvelle qui raconte vraiment une histoire. Hemingway a écrit ceci : À vendre : souliers de bébé jamais utilisés (en anglais ça fait six mots).

Sur ce modèle, le journal – peut-être The Atlanta Journal – a demandé à ses lecteurs de raconter leur vie en six mots. Le journal a reçu plus de 15 000 réponses. Deux exemples au hasard : Found true love, married someone else. Moins intense : Wasn’t born a redhead ; fixed that.

J’ai essayé évidemment. J’ai visé de ne pas être trop sérieux, mais quand même, d’être le plus près possible d’un vrai résumé de ma vie. Ça donne ceci : Euh, quelqu’un aurait-il un tournevis ?

Vous, votre vie en six mots (pas sept), ça donnerait quoi ?”

Moi, ça donne ceci : Né handicapé, pour limiter les dégâts.

Et vous ?


Ok, my six-word life summary is: “Well, at least I didn’t breed.” (I had some others, but they were too self-deprecating to publish.)

And yours? It’s harder than it seems. Give it a try!

*** *** ***
Addendum March 23: If you submit something for the Six Words challenge I’ll bake you a cake next time I see you! If you submit something not self-deprecating, I’ll bake you a cake as a reward and encouragement. It’s a harder thing to come up with and you deserve the recognition. (If it is self-deprecating, then I guess you need cheering up.)


  1. Tes six mots sont quand même un peu auto-dépréciatifs. Les miens aussi d’ailleurs. C’est peut-être la rançon de la lucidité.

    Dommage que les gens n’aient pas laissé de commentaires.

    Merci d’avoir participer, Alison.


    Comment by Luc — Sunday, March 16th, 2008 @ 13:05

  2. Imaginative, yet can’t find the words…

    Taught to serve anyone, but myself…

    Eduqué à servir tous, sauf moi.

    Do not worry, be very happy.

    I do not eat cake anymore.


    Comment by JFA — Sunday, March 23rd, 2008 @ 18:48

  3. This is the story of my life: Love will be stronger then hate.

    Many sweet Dutch kisses,
    greetings, Barbara

    Comment by Barbara Everts — Sunday, March 23rd, 2008 @ 19:00

  4. Californian learns mindfulness through Montreal ice.

    Comment by Katharine — Sunday, March 23rd, 2008 @ 19:11

  5. Ahhh, I’ll have to think on this. But Barbara’s is interesting. Perhaps she means “stronger than hate”, but “Love will be stronger THEN hate” is a totally fascinating life story… a good trailer that would hook me. How is hate stronger, why? What happened to bring that about?….

    Comment by Leanne — Sunday, March 23rd, 2008 @ 21:17

  6. I sewed, read, wrote and left.

    Sad huh? I *can* summarize my life in six words.

    Comment by Kathleen — Sunday, March 23rd, 2008 @ 22:20

  7. “I will survive” – wait – I did.

    Comment by Sophie — Monday, March 24th, 2008 @ 08:19

  8. I’ve got 2:
    Lucky that some dreams came true
    Will do anything for Alison’s cake.

    Comment by ina — Monday, March 24th, 2008 @ 08:28

  9. “At least I had good intentions”

    Comment by su — Monday, March 24th, 2008 @ 08:45

  10. Hey Alison,

    have been writing “six words” for some time now. Not always life summaries.

    Here’s my autobiography: premature, had baby late, revising memoir.

    Here’s one about my cat: old cat chases squirrel: regains youth


    Comment by Katinka Neuhof — Monday, March 24th, 2008 @ 13:30

  11. I came up with a sequel:
    Travel. Motherhood. Meaningful work. Thank you.
    Do I get 2 cakes???

    Comment by ina — Tuesday, March 25th, 2008 @ 15:34

  12. Ooh, these are good. Thanks!

    Le gâteau est un incitatif important ! T’en as le droit aussi : quel saveur ?

    I don’t think it’s cheating to hyphenate forty-four. (And to everyone else: that was a SAD COMMENTARY, not boasting. In case you were wondering.)

    I think that last one is the most novel-like in Hemingway terms. I like it.

    Barbara and Leanne,
    I missed the typo.

    I know you meant ‘than,’ but I’m not correcting it because I like Leanne’s musings so much. I’m not sure I’ll be in a position to make you a cake myself next time I’m in Holland. Will a purchased pastry be acceptable? Or will you come visit me here, and I can share something homemade?

    Shall we make a date to mindfully enjoy a zen cake then, to go with the ice?

    Those are five extremely respectable action words. My rejected life summaries included action words like “aimless consuming.” I don’t think you have anything to be sad about. I will definitely not be in a position to make a cake while camping in New Mexico. Possibly Boston brown bread steamed over a campfire? I’m sure we can work something out, as with Barbara.

    Yes, isn’t that amazing? Do you wake up every morning and just marvel at it? I know I do, and I pretty much came with a silver spoon. I will contact you privately about the cake.

    Luck always has something to do with it, but in this case I know that Ina has a lot to do with it. I’m trying to get my passport renewed. When I do, there will be cake. (Two even, you just have to ask!)

    And good outcomes too, I think. Tassajara has some recipes for vegan cake. I will be studying them. (If you have secret sources for truly free-range eggs though, I will be very grateful.)

    The memoir sounds intriguing. May we all be blessed with squirrels to chase. (See Ina RE: passport cake.)

    Future posters:
    This offer ends with my death. Until then, post for cake!

    Comment by alison — Thursday, March 27th, 2008 @ 07:13

  13. ok – I do have a couple – I was working on the novel, not the life story.

    The life story:
    They grew up. I live alone

    The novels:
    Takeoff. Seat mate. Soul mate. Landing
    Picnic on beach. Boat sails away

    Comment by vc — Sunday, April 6th, 2008 @ 15:51

  14. i thought souliers bebe non utilises summed up that he had never had babies, that he meant to but maybe they died, etc….
    just a bit like your story maybe

    Comment by Zaz — Thursday, October 9th, 2008 @ 19:39

  15. my life? nothing changes no matter you do.

    Comment by Zaz — Thursday, October 9th, 2008 @ 19:40

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